What Dashcam Should You Buy?

With the decreasing costs of portable video recorders, dash cams have become popular with ordinary drivers for a number of reasons. One of the biggest of these is to record evidence to show your insurance company or the court. If it comes to that in the event of a wreck since it can be hard to determine who's telling the truth and witnesses aren't always available. In fact, many insurance companies now offer discounts to drivers with dash cams, giving drivers and even bigger incentive to buy one. However, which one or what type of Dash Cam should you pick? At first glance, buying a dashcam seems like a pretty straightforward affair since they're just cameras that sit on your dashboard and record everything, however some dash cams have nicer features that can make your life a little bit easier, because dash cams record continuously on a limited amount of storage such as an SD card. A good idea is to get something with a LOOPING function that will automatically ...